FLASH NEWS: * Postal Recruitment * RRB NTPC Result * SSC Result * KPSC recruitment * IBPS Recruitment * RPF Recruitmewt * SBI Recruitment * KPSC List * Recruitment in Kochi Metro Rail * UPSC Notification * SSC Recruitment * KPSC New Notification * Recruitment in Railway * Visit More job page * Register Kerala Gov. Job Fair @ www.jobfest.kerala.gov.in ....

Monday, 30 July 2012

7740 Clerical Vacancy in State Bank of India and Associated Banks:

State Bank of India and its associated banks (State Bank of Travancore, State Bank of Bikkaneer & Jaipur, State Bank of Hyderabad, State Bank of Mysore, State Bank of Pattiala) invite application for the post of 7740 Clerks:

Total vacancy: 7740
SBT: 2500 (Ker 1749)

Salary Scale: 7200-19300
Qualification: Plus Two (+2) with 60% Mark (55% for sc/st/oh/ex) or any Graduation
[Check original notification before apply]
Age: 18-28 (Relaxation as per rule)
[Check original notification before apply]
Application Fee: 350 for General/OBC and 50 for SC/ST/EX/OH
Last Date: August 13

Download Complete Notification Here

Examination Syllabus:
a-General Awareness
b-General English
c-Quantitative Aptitude
d-Reasoning Ability
e-Marketing Aptitude & Computer Knowledge

Exam Centers in every state [check in website for details]
(Kerala: Kottayam-35, Kochi-34, Kozhikkode-36, Thiruvananthapuram-37)

Application: Online Click below link:

On-line Application Link-1
On-Line Application Link 2

For More Details: www.sbi.co.in

Wednesday, 25 July 2012


Cochin Shipyard Limited (Mini Ratna) incorporated in the year 1972 as a fully owned Government of India company, Invite application for following post:

1.Deputy General Manager:
E-6 Grade, Pay Rs.36600-62000.
Discipline: Civil

2.Assistant General Manager:
E-5 Grade, Rs. 32900-58000
Discipline: Mechanical 4 (SC-1, OBC-1, UR-2), Marine 2- (OBC-1, UR-1), NavalArchitect1-(UR), Electrical 1-(UR), Electronics 1-(UR)

3.Senior Manger, E-4 Grade,
Pay:Rs. 29100-54500

Discipline: Mechanical 2 (UR-1, OBC-1),  Marine 1-(UR), Electrical 1-(ST)

4.Medical Officer, E-3 Grade,
Pay: 24900-50500

Medical Service (UR-1)

5.Welfare Officer, E-3 Grade,
Pay: Rs. 24900-50500
Discipline: Welfare (UR-1)

Welfare Officer, E-2 Grade,
Pay: Rs. 20600-46500
Discipline: Welfare (OBC-1)

Deputy Manger, E-2 Grade,
Pay:Rs. 20600-46500

Discipline: HR (UR-1), Finance (PWD-VH-1)

Assistant Manager,
E-1 Grade,
Pay: Rs. 16400-40500
Discipline: Company Secretary (UR-1), Finance (SC-1), Mechanical 6-(SC-1, ST-1, OBC-1,UR-3),  Civil 1(SC), Electrical 1-(OBC), Information Technology 2-(SC-1, UR-1)

Application Fee
Application fee of Rs. 300/-(Non refundable) for all posts. Fee remitted in the form of a crossed DD drawn in favor of COCHIN SHIPYARD LIMITED on any Nationalised bank payable at Kochi should be sent along with the application form. SC/ST/PWD (Minimum 40% of disability) of candidates are exempted from payment of application fee.

For Qualification and experience see detailed notification

Detailed Notification Download Here

Application Form Here

Last date for receipt of application is 24 Aug 2012

Monday, 23 July 2012

Kerala PSC Invite Application for 87 Category Including LDC

Kerala Public Service Commission Invite application for 87 category:

Category 340/2012 Stores/Purchase Officer (General)
Category 341/2012 Stores/Purchase Officer  (Society)
Category 342/2012 Research Assistant (Anthropology)
Category 343/2012 Deputy Engineer (General)
Category 344/2012 Deputy Engineer (Society)
Category 345/2012 LD Clerk (Water Authority)
Category 346/2012 Malayalam Stenographer
Category 347/2012 Special Branch Assistant (SBCID)
Category 348/2012 Veterinary Surgion  Gr II
Category 349/2012 Engineering Assistant Gr I
Category 350/2012 Confidential Assistant Grade II (KWA)
Category 351/2012 Junior Scientific Officer
Category 352/2012 Engineering Asst Gr II
Category 353/2012 Lab Technician cum Junior Assistant
Category 354/2012 Boat Srank
Category 355/2012 HST (Junior-Communicative English)
Category 356/2012 HSA (Natural Science-Kannada)
Category 357/2012 Deputy General Manager (I)
Category 358/2012 Deputy General Manager (II)
Category 359/2012 Artist cum Photographer cum Cinema operator

Category 360-425 Special Recruitment
Visit Complete Notification and read carefully 

Vacancy in INCOIS

Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services (INCOIS)
(An autonomous body under Ministry of Earth Sciences, Government of India)

INCOIS, a knowledge and information technology enterprise for the oceanic realm is pursuing focused programmes in the areas of Ocean Observations, Ocean Modeling and Ocean Information & Advisory services including Tsunami Early Warning. INCOIS is currently offering the following temporary positions to bright, dynamic and motivated persons to contribute to its missions and projects on CONTRACT MODE. 

P01-Project Scientist ‘C’  1 nos

P02-Project Scientist ‘B’  1 nos

P03-Project Scientist ‘B’  3 nos

P04-Project Scientist ‘B’  1 nos

P05-Project Scientist ‘B’  1 nos

P06-Research Assistant  01 nos

P07-Project Assistant  01 nos

P08-Project Assistant  03 nos

P09-Project Assistant  04 nos
P10-Office Assistant  03 nos

Detailed Notification Download here

Apply Online Here

More Details

Last Date: August-13

Sunday, 22 July 2012

Vacancy in NRHM (Arogya Keralam)

National Rural Health Mission   (NRHM) invite application for PRO post in Arogya Keralam Project:

School Health Nurse: 
No. of Post: 1253
Qualification: JPHN Course recognized by State Health Department / GNM (General Nursing & Midwifery) course from an institution recognized by Indian Nursing Council (INC) / BSc Nursing from an institution recognized by Indian Nursing Council (INC)
Maximum 36 years as on 01.06.13
Click Here for details


Post: Public Relations Officer (PRO) / Public Relations Officer cum Laison Officer
Location: In various Districts of Kerala
Vacancy Positions: 43
Qualification & Experience: MBA/MHA/MPH/MSW/MSc in Hospital Management with two years of
post qualification experience
Method of Recruitment: On contract basis
Salary: Rs. 13,210/- (Consolidated )

Candidates are advised to browse website of NRHM “arogyakeralam.gov.in” for
regular updates/ notice/announcements.

Detailed Notification Click Here

Online Application Click Here

The last date of submission of ONLINE application is 5 pm on 30/07/2012

Thursday, 19 July 2012

Vacancies of 1870 Village Administrative Officer (VAO) in TNPSC

NOTIFICATION NO: 26 / 2012 DATED: 09.07.2012

Applications are invited only through online mode upto 10.08.2012 for admission to the Written Examination for Direct Recruitment to the following post:-

Name of Post and Code: Village Administrative Officer (Post Code 2025)
Number of Vacancies: 1870
Scale of Pay: Rs.5,200 - 20,200/- + 2,400-G.P (PB1)

Date of Notification: 09/07/2012
Last date for submission of applications : 10/08/2012
Date of Written examination : 30/09/2012 (10am-01pm)

1.AGE (as on 01.07.2012) : 21-30 (relaxation as per rule visit website)

Must possess Minimum General Educational Qualification viz. Must have passed S.S.L.C Public Examination or its equivalent with eligibility for admission to Higher Secondary Courses of Studies (or) to College Courses of studies.

• Examination fee Rs.125/- (Examination Fee Rs.75/- + Cost of Application Rs.50/-) (Rupees One hundred and twenty five only)
• Candidates claiming exemption from examination fee should pay Rs.50/- towards Application Cost.
• Candidates have also to pay the service charges applicable to the Bank (Indian bank ) or Post Office or Fee Processing Agency.

Read Complete Notification before you apply

• Candidates should apply only through online in the Commission’s Website 

Wednesday, 18 July 2012

Vacancy in Cochin International Airport

Cochin International Airport Limited invites applications for the following positions:
Recruitment Advertisement No.CIAL/HR-R(2012)/1 dt.07/07/2012
Sl.No.              Name of the post                                  No.of vacancies

1                   General Manager(HR)                                         1
2                  Junior Manager(Finance) Trainee                          1
3  Junior Manager (Electrical/Operations/IT) Trainee                 11
4               Junior Manager(Fire) Trainee                                   2
(Click post name for details and qualification)

Candidates are required to apply through online [except for the post of General Manager(HR) for which application format can be downloaded from the respective page]  and a duly signed printout of the application with a recent passport size photograph affixed on it, should be forwarded to the Managing Director, Cochin International Airport Limited, Kochi Airport P.O., Ernakulam-683111 alongwith attested copies of relevant testimonials and certificates.

The post applied for must be superscribed on the envelope.

Last date of submission of application through online : 06/08/2012
Last date of receipt of Application Printout along with testimonials :13/08/2012 

CIAL reserves the right to accept or reject any or all applications without assigning any reason thereof, at its discretion.

Evictee candidates whose land/house had been acquired for Cochin International Airport & Internal candidates possessing the prescribed educational qualification, shall be given relaxation in percentage of marks & age limit as per approved guidelines of the Company.
More Details: http://cial.aero/career/

Monday, 16 July 2012


Staff Selection Commission (SSC) invite application for Combined Higher Secondary Level Examinations:

Data entry Operator
Lower Division Clerk (LDC)
Category: Group C

Plus Two (+2)/ Higher Secondary/Equivalent
Computer Knowledge (8000 key depression/hour)
Selection  based on written test and computer skill test

18-27 (Relaxation as per govt rule )

Application Fee:
Rupees 100/ as center recruitment fee stamp for offline application.
Rupees 100/  pay in SBI or Online application.

Exam centers in Kerala: Thiruvananthapuram (9211), Kochi (9204), Thrissur(9212) and Kozhikkode (9206), other state  name & code available in website, also check your subject code

Apply online or download form for offline: www.ssc.nic.in
Or Apply Online in http://ssconline.nic.in/

 Detailed Notification available web site.
 Check notification before apply.

Last Date: August 10

Wednesday, 11 July 2012

Vacancy Oushadhi (Govt of Kerala)

Oushadhi, Largest producer of Ayurveda medicines in public sector in India One among the few Public Sector companies, consistently making profit and paying dividend to Government of Kerala since 1999. Require Following Qualified Candidates on Contract basis:

Machine Operator 110 nos
Computer Assistant 1 nos
Diploma in Computer

Details Visit:

Or Contact:
Managing Director
The Pharmeceutical Corporation Kerala Ltd
Ph: 0487-2459377

Vacancy in Mumbai Port


Graduate in Mechanical Engineering
Graduate in Electrical Engineering
Diploma in Mechanical Engineering
Diploma in Electrical Engineering
Mechanic (Diesel)
Mechanic (Motor Vehicle)
Programming And System Administration
Assistant (PASAA)

Detailed Notification Click Here

Min. 14 years and Max. 19 years for S.S.C Passed candidates, 21 years for I.T.I. passed
Candidates as on 01.10.2012. The upper age limit is relaxable by 5 years for Scheduled Castes
and Scheduled Tribes candidates. No upper limit for Graduate and Technician Apprentices.

Application forms may be downloaded from Mb. P. T. 's website www.mumbaiport.gov.in

and submitted alongwith Postal Order of Rs.20/-
Application Form for Graduate / Technician apprentice Click Here 
Application Form for Trade apperentice Click Here

Last date of submission of application forms is 18.07.2011.

Tuesday, 10 July 2012

Vacancy in National Agri-Food Biotechnology Institute(NABI):

Agri-Food Biotechnology Institute (NABI), Mohali, is an autonomous R&D Institute under Government of India, Department of Biotechnology.


Manager (Administration) (01 Post)
Manager (Finance) (01 Post)
Manager Business Development (01 Post)
Finance Officer (01 Post)
Institute Engineer (01 Post)
Library-Cum-Informatics Officer
Technical Officer (Database) (01 Post)

Senior Technical Assistant (STA)
  (05 posts) (03-UR, 01-SC, 01-OBC)
  (i) for Analytical Chemistry (02 posts)
  (ii) Animal Cell Culture (01 post)
  (iii) Plant tissue culture (01post)
  (iv) Agronomist/Farm Manager (01 post)
Library Assistant (01 Post)

For Detailed Notification Click Here

How to Apply:

Application Form Click Here
Application fee: 200
Last Date: 25-07-2012
More Details: http://www.nabi.res.in/permanent.aspx/

Vacancy in Broadcast Engineering Consultants India Ltd (BECIL):

Broadcast Engineering Consultants India Limited  (BECIL) an ISO 9001:2008 certified, Mini Ratna public sector enterprise of Government of India was established in 24 March 1995, invite application for Language Monitor on contract basis.

Monitors (Approx. 71 vacancies)
Assamese, Kannada, Marathi, Tamil, Hindi, Bangla, Kashmiri, Oriya, Telugu, Gujarati, Malayalam, Punjabi ,Nepali and English (40).

i) Essential:
a) Graduation in concerned language. Since the monitors are required to translate and analyze
the news/contents of telecasts from the language concerned into English, the proficiency in
both the languages and to analyze the news/contents is a must.
b) Knowledge of working on computer especially on MS Word and Excel.
c) Minimum typing speed 30 wpm.
ii) Desirable:
B. P.G. Diploma/Bachelors degree in Journalism/Mass Communications.
C. Experience:
a) One year experience in content creation in news channels /news agencies.

Salary: Consolidated Monthly: Rs. 10,000-15,000/-.

Other Vacancies:
Content Auditor (2  nos)
Senior Monitor (9  nos)
Shift Manager 1 nos 
Executive Assistant 2 nos 
Stenographer 1 nos 
Logistic Assistant 1 nos 
Electrician cum plumb operator 1 nos 
Messenger 6 nos

Last Date February 28

BECIL, Corporate Office: C-56, A/17, Sector-62, Noida -201301 (U.P) Tel 0120-4177850 Fax: 4177879
(Read complete notification, before apply)

Sunday, 8 July 2012

Vacancy in Kerala Clays & Ceramic Products Ltd

Kerala Clays and Ceramic Products Ltd is a public sector undertaking (PSU) invite application for following posts:

Mining Engineer

Mines Manager
Mines Foreman
Quality control supervisor
Mining mate

Notification Below
Apply with Bio-data and attested copy of certificate before 20-7-2012

More Details: www.keralaclays.in

Thursday, 5 July 2012

Vacancy in Kerala State IT Mission

Kerala State IT Mission is a nodal IT implementation agency for Department of Information technology, Government of Kerala invite application for the posts of IT Professionals on contract basis:

Manager : 1 vacancy
Engineer: Security audit-1 vacancy
Engineer: Vulnerability and Incedent handling- 2 vacancy
Engineer:  IT Support constituency- 2 vacancy

More Details: www.itmission.kerala.gov.in/careers

Last date of receipt of application: 25.07.2012.

Kerala State IT Mission. ICT Campus
Vellayambalam, Thiruvananthapuram-33
PH: 0471-2726881, 2314307, 2725646

Wednesday, 4 July 2012

1487+ Vacancies in Public Sector Companies in Kerala:

13 Public sector companies under kerala government invite application online for 1487 vacancies:

Apply Online: www.riab.kerala.gov.in

172 Vacancy in Kerala Textile Corporation Uduma Textile Mill, Kazargode:
General manager
Assistant manager-Various

Junior Manager- Various

341 Vacancy in Komalapuram Spinning & Weaving Mill, Alleppey:

General manager
Assistant manager-Various

Junior Manager- Various

149 Vacancy in Hitech Weaving Mill, Pinerayi, kannur:

General manager
Assistant manager-Various

Junior Manager- Various

72 Vacancy in Trivandrum Spinning  Mill, Thiruvananthapuram:

Deputy manager -Various
Assistant manager-Various

Junior Manager- Various
Office attender

221 Vacancy in Steal Casting & Machining Unit, Alleppey:

Assistant manager-Various

Junior Manager- Various
Skilled Worker
Unskilled Worker

67 Vacancy in Kerala Drugs & Pharmaceuticals Ltd, Kalavoor, Alleppey:

Production Manager
Assistant manager-Various

Junior Manager- Various
Supervisor - Various
Foreman - Various
Worker - Various
Mechanic - Various

100 Vacancy in House Wiring Cable Unit, Kannur:

Senior Manager
Production Manager
Des-patch Manager
Assistant manager-Various

Junior Manager- Various
Supervisor - Various
Engineer - Various
Worker - Various
Mechanic - Various
Secretarial AssistantOffice assistant

30 Vacancy in Kerala Soaps Unit-KSIE, Kozhikkode:

Assistant manager-Various

Junior Manager- Various
Supervisor - Various
Foreman - Various
Worker - Various
Store Keeper

21 Vacancy in Tool room Cum Training Centre, SIDCO, Kozhikkode:

Tool Room manager
Design Engineer
assistant Engineer
CNC Operator
Quality Controll Emgineer, etc

60 Vacancy in Steel & Industrial Forging LTD, Shornur:

assistant Engineer
Skilled Worker,Unskilled Worker

53 Vacancy in Alleppey Cooperative Spinning MillD, Alappuzha:

187 Vacancy in Malabar Spinning & Weaving Mill, Kozhikkode:

14 Vacancy in Container Fright Station, kalamasseri:

Fire & Safety Officer
Duty Officer
Office assistant
Computer assistant
Lift Operator
Floor Assistant, etc

*Apply After read complete notification and instruction from website

Apply Online: www.riab.kerala.gov.in

Last Date: july 15

KPSC Published Last Grade (LGS) Rank List in all District:

Kerala Public Service Commission (KPSC) Rank List of LGS:
Click on District Name For Download


*All the best 4all Candidates in list by psc-ssc (PSC FOR GOV JOB)